GDPR Policy
The overall aim of Corporate Energising Limited (known from this point on in the document as
Corporate Energising) GDPR policy is to outline the company data guidelines, allow individuals to
know what is happening to their personal data and to protect this data under the law.
1. The objectives of the policy are to:
1.1. Create and implement sufficient security measures to keep personal data protected.
Corporate Energising do not manage or collect Sensitive Personal Data and therefore this
is not covered in the policy
1.2. Outline how Corporate Energising stores data, for what purpose and for the length of
time it will be stored – including the management of data quality
1.3. Provide an outline of clients’ ‘Right to be Forgotten’ and what this involves
1.4. Identify the steps taken in the event of a security breach
1.5. Outline the areas of the GDPR law where Corporate Energising will be legally required to
disclose information
1.6. Offer reassurance through regular reviews of this policy and client feedback on the our
approach to Data Protection by Design
2. Data Protection Policy
It is the policy of Corporate Energising to:
2.1. Use password protected computers and/or encrypted USB sticks to store data.
2.2. Inform individuals that all Profiles from third party companies including Insights Discovery
Profiles, and any other similar products profiling or diagnostic tools, if downloaded will be
stored until the end of the client contract. Corporate Energising will only store the
profiles for longer, with permission from the client. However, at present, it is not the
policy of Corporate Energising to download and store copies of profiles locally, but to
store them on cloud-based systems, which are password protected, with regular
scheduled password changes.
2.3. Only use data for the purpose for which they were intended and that data will not be
shared with third parties
GDPR Policy created August 2018
Registration ID no. 808634
Call: Sue Gravells (m) +44 (0)7920 595264
General enquiries: Company registration number 05629395
2.4. Login information to any third party portals will be changed every three months, ensuring
that any mobile security breaches are minimised
2.5. All bank account information is protected for the period of time necessary to ensure
business transactions have been completed or until the business relationship has ended
and then destroyed from all mobile devices and any associated Corporate Energising
business systems. This includes work carried out on behalf of Corporate Energising on a
contract basis by third party companies and individuals
2.6. Financial information is stored securely and reviewed annually, including invoicing. This
information is kept only for the length of time required by the business and within a five
year period is stored on separate secure hard-drives. Hard copies of invoices are kept in
a separate location in a secure environment. No access is given to other persons.
2.7. The annual review of invoicing is designed to ensure that only the necessary information
is stored, all other information is destroyed safely and securely
2.8. All appropriate Wi-Fi security measures are taken including such areas as WEP encrypted
routers, with regular password updates scheduled
3. Individual Rights. Under the GDPR Legislation each contact has a number of rights, these are
outlined fully on the Information Commissioners Office Website Link to Individual Rights.
Corporate Energising has prepared for these rights by:
3.1. Committing to ensure clients are aware of any changes to the way in which their data is
being used
3.2. Allowing Clients access to any data, which is stored about them or their employees in a
way that it is convenient and transparent to them. This also includes their right to port
any information held about them to take and use for themselves for different purposes
3.3. Allowing Clients an easy way to have their personal data erased and forgotten from any
systems used by Corporate Energising. This includes the right to have their annonymised
data relating to them deleted, and excluded from statistics, profiling and forecasting
3.4. Regularly reviewing the way in which we are using the personal or private details of our
clients, ensuring that we are only collecting the right data and that it is absolutely
necessary for the purpose for which it is being collected. However, we reserve the right
to charge a ‘reasonable fee’ when a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive,
particularly if it is repetitive and for the same purpose
3.5. Information will be supplied within a month of request, and usually within 72 hours. For
more complex requests it may be a further month is required. If we require 2 months, we
will inform you as to the explicit reason for this extension of time.
3.6. Corporate Energising does not use any automated profiling systems for marketing
purposes, and therefore it is not included within this document
GDPR Policy created August 2018
Registration ID no. 808634
Call: Sue Gravells (m) +44 (0)7920 595264
General enquiries: Company registration number 05629395
4. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability: Corporate Energising does all it can to ensure the
‘confidentiality, integrity and availability’ of our systems and services and the personal data
we process within them. However, In the event of a security breach e.g. theft of a computer,
the loss of a laptop or a data grabbing malware, we will ensure:
4.1. The data can be accessed, altered, disclosed or deleted only by those you have
authorised to do so (and that those people only act within the scope of the authority you
give them)
4.2. The data we hold is accurate and complete in relation to why you are processing it; and
4.3. The data remains accessible and usable, i.e., if personal data is accidentally lost, altered
or destroyed, we will take all necessary steps to recover it and therefore prevent any
damage or distress to the individuals concerned.
4.4. We will ensure a ‘data security first’ mind-set is used by Corporate Energising to minimise
the risk of any breaches
4.5. Corporate Energising will also carry out regular reviews of their security measures to
ensure they are appropriate and effective, as well as any necessary Risk Assessments for
unusual or large data requests
4.6. Make sure access to data and premises is only given to those within the organisation,
with the right level of responsibility and seniority. This includes access to the office
premises even when set within a residential building
4.7. When working off site, information is kept on encrypted devices and laptops are securely
attached. Currently the only off-site working is carried out on clients’ premises, to
minimise the risk of any data breaches. Corporate Energising does not carry out work
with data in any ‘public areas’
4.8. Hard copy personal information is shredded and disposed of in a secure manner
4.9. Mobile devices are password protected and tracked, using Apps such as ‘Find My Phone’
and will be reported to the police should there be a theft inside or outside the office
4.10. Any cloud computing systems such as Dropbox, Insights Online, ICloud and
Accounting Systems have a password change every three months.
4.11. In specific relation to Insights Discovery Profiles, and in accordance with Insights’
specific Distributor Policy, personal profiles are shared only with the named person the
profile relates to, unless with their express condition, it will not be shared with anyone
5. Legal Disclosure: In certain specific circumstances, Corporate Energising will be legally
required to disclose personal data. In these circumstances, the legal obligation overrides any
objection the individuals may have
5.1. By or under any UK enactment;
5.2. By any rule of common law; or
5.3. By an order of a court or tribunal in any jurisdiction.
GDPR Policy created August 2018
Registration ID no. 808634
Call: Sue Gravells (m) +44 (0)7920 595264
General enquiries: Company registration number 05629395
6. Policy Reviews: This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis:
6.1. During the first year of GDPR every three months;
6.2. And after this period it will be reviewed annually;
6.3. If there is a significant change to the nature of the Corporate Energising business or work
of a significantly different nature is carried on a ‘one-off’ basis, this policy will again be
6.4. The review will also consider
6.4.1. A Data Protection by Design approach so as not to collect or hold on to unnecessary
6.4.2. A Data Impact Assessment to understand the full impact of collecting and holding
the data and the level of risk associated with the activity.
7. If an approved code of conduct or certification scheme covering the training and development
industry for which Corporate Energising processes data becomes available, we will consider
working towards membership as a way of demonstrating that you comply.
8. Under Article 30 of the GDPR Corporate Energising will keep a record of any specific data
processing activities.
9. The person responsible for GDPR is Sue Gravells, Director of Corporate Energising