Coaching supervision is intentionally a reflective practice, to gain insight and agility as a coach
Why Be Supervised?
Coaches engage in challenging and intimate conversations, often in the midst of uncertainty and complexity, including in the wider system in which the coaching serves its purpose. Throughout these conversations, coaches are managing the contractual agreement and professional boundaries, being alert to the need for best practices in their interventions, noticing the interpersonal dynamics between themselves and the coaching client and managing themselves moment by moment, both inside and outside of the coaching sessions.
The Experience of the Supervisee
Broadly speaking, the purpose of coaching supervision is for the coach to intentionally take time out to develop a reflective practice with the supervisor, to enhance their work as a professional coach. Whether working face to face or virtually, the coach explores and meets their own personal needs, as well as the needs of the wider system in which the coach is working. Sue offers a specialist eco-based approach for those looking to enhance sensory and systemic aspects to their reflective practice.
Outcomes from Supervision
Supervision supports the coach in reflective practice, drawing on the ‘inner wisdom' of the coach and jointly exploring different perspectives in the work and this avoids the coach working in an isolated ‘bubble’. An outcome of supervision over time, is the coach develops their ‘internal supervisor’ and this, in turn, increases self-reliance for taking rigorous perspectives ‘in the moment' and the confidence to build a portfolio of clients and rewarding work.
Experience of being supervised by Sue - in group or solo
In coaching supervision, the coach experiences time to reflect on their experiences – both what is known to be important and what might be outside of their awareness.